Managing configuration with Spring Cloud Config.You'll see how Spring's intuitive tooling can help augment and refactor existing applications with micro services.
Throughout the book, carefully selected real-life examples expose microservice-based patterns for configuring, routing, scaling, and deploying your services. You'll learn to do microservice design as you build and deploy your first Spring Cloud application. Spring Microservices in Action teaches you how to build microservice-based applications using Java and the Spring platform. Spring Cloud provides a suite of tools for the discovery, routing, and deployment of microservices to the enterprise and the cloud. Spring Boot removes the boilerplate code involved with writing a REST-based service. Fortunately, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud simplify your microservice applications, just as the Spring Framework simplifies enterprise Java development.
Microservices break up your code into small, distributed, and independent services that require careful forethought and design. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.